An outline of the UK’s nuclear emergency planning from the view point of central government is given in the 2015 document Con-ops
Nuclear Emergency Planning and Response Guidance, Concept of operations
A large number of people will be involved in the response to and recovery from a radiation emergency.
Operational There will be "boots on the ground", emergency services and other people working to rescue casualties, put out fires, recover or immobilise dangerous materials, control access and egress from the scene and reporting the situation and resource needs. These are the operational or bronze responders. Each service will have their own command structure on site with well practiced coordination. (See JESIP website if interested in response coordination).
Tactical A layer of command will be determining how best to use the available resource to meet the objectives set. These are the tactical or silver level. The different responding organisations will attempt to put their tactical commanders in the same place so that they can co-operate and co-ordinate.
Strategic The top layer of local command is the strategic or gold layer. A strategic commander from each agency has overall authority on behalf of their agency. They are responsible for the resources of their own agency and for formulating their single agency strategy for the incident. They generally meet in the SCC to exchange situational awareness, agree priorities and provide resource and expertise. The strategic level, which includes a wider range of government bodies, regulators and experts also discuss the protection of the public including agreeing the protective action strategy and the media management strategy and media messages.
Supporting the local structures, if required, are a range of national and regional facilities reaching up to the Cabinet Office Briefing Rooms.
The structure is designed to “grow upwards” if the situation demands it. A smaller event (if you can have a “small” nuclear emergency) may only need the local components. There is, however, an apparent ambiguity in some of the relationships. The connectors are not carefully defined so could be taken to be “chats to”. More clarity could be achieved by differentiating between information flow and instruction and how this may change with time and severity. Generally, information and requests for resource go upwards and instructions and advice go downwards from command and technical structures respectively.
The UK Nuclear Emergency Planning and Response Guidance Concept of Operations (Con-ops) document identifies the core characteristics of an effective response as: