ICRP Ethical Foundations of System of Radiological Protection

The ICRP have issued a draft paper on the Ethical Foundations of the System of Radiological Protection which makes interesting reading. It contains a great quote “Radiation protection is not only a matter for science. It is a problem of philosophy, and morality, and the utmost wisdom” (Taylor, 1957).

The paper states that “The traditional emphasis on the science of radiation has shown its limits and is now recognised that human and ethical dimensions of exposure situations are important and sometimes decisive in the decision process”.

It then reviews the history of radiation protection from preventing deterministic effects “do no harm” (from 1928), managing the probability of harm to people (from 1955), to protecting non-human species and the environment (1977) and considering the diversity of exposure situations (2007).

It then considers, in retrospect, the ethical values of beneficence and non-maleficence, prudence, Justice and dignity.

It concludes that in the future we may see the assessment of collective and individual well-being of exposed people including mental and social aspects.