Removal of Govenment Technical Advisor

The ONR has reissued the document ONR Response to a Class 1 Event – off-site Nuclear Emergency having made what it calls “a minor amendment” following withdrawal of the Government Technical Advisor.

The GTA was introduced following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 after which the Government reviewed UK civil nuclear emergency response arrangements. That review identified a need for somebody to provide authoritative and independent statements to the press and broadcast media in the event of a civil nuclear emergency, and to advise the emergency services on actions to protect the public. The review also concluded that the most suitably qualified person to undertake the role would be a senior member of HM Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII). As a result, the arrangements for appointing a Government Technical Adviser were put into effect. (Ref. NEPLG Guidance)

Now, as a result of greater use of COBR and SAGE as described in CONOPS, the GTA is considered unnecessary. I’m not sure that I agree that the two mechanisms cover the same service.