UK’s 7th national report on compliance with the obligations of the convention on nuclear safety

The convention on nuclear safety’s aim is to “legally commit participating States operating land-based nuclear power plants to maintain a high level of safety by setting international benchmarks to which States would subscribe“. The UK’s 7th report to this convention is now available.

At 238 pages long it is not an inviting read but it is, nonetheless, quite interesting and provides a good overview of nuclear safety in the UK including a review of the regulations and the operations of the regulators.

An interesting quote (paragraph 16.23) is “Whilst REPPIR does not prescribe a specific probability to what is reasonably foreseeable, events with a frequency of 1×10(-5) to 10(-6) per year are considered, with any cliff edge effects from events of lesser probability also being considered“. ONR usually reframes from accepting any numerical value for “reasonably foreseeable”. This value puts it below the probability of any events listed in the National Risk Register which may surprise some people.